UK Expat and Foreign National Investors Favouring Limited Companies Again

buy to let limited company

Buy-to-Let Limited Company Purchases Soaring Again. 2024 was a record year for buy-to-let limited companies, with 60,000 new companies set up to hold buy-to-let properties. This was a huge increase of 23% on the previous record, which was set in 2023, indicating a clear trajectory that 2023’s record year was not a flash in the…

UK Expat and Foreign National Buy-to-Let Landlords to Utilise Limited Companies

uk expat limited companies

In September 2024, there were over 5,300 new buy-to-let limited companies set up. This is 28% higher than any previous September, speaking to the popularity of buy-to-let limited companies at the moment, amid tax concerns for buy-to-let landlords. One of the main drivers for the huge increase in limited companies is to do with the…

UK Expat Limited Company Buy-to-Let Continues to Grow

limited company buy let

The continual increase in the numbers of landlords looking toward limited company buy-to-let mortgages shows UK expats and foreign nationals the best way to use a UK expat or foreign national buy-to-let mortgage. UK Expat Limited Company Buy-to-Let Growing Again. According to a survey conducted by Paragon Bank, the number of landlords looking at limited…

Limited Company Buy-to-Let Set to Stay for UK Expats and Foreign Nationals in 2022

buy-to-let limited company mortgage

There has been a notable rise in the number of buy-to-let landlords holding their properties in a limited company instead of in their name. We have discussed this before. But, according to Companies House, there were 47,400 new buy-to-let company incorporations in 2021. With this trend really set to stay, it’s time to look at…

New UK Expat Buy-to-Let Investors to Profit from the City Centre

New UK Expat Buy-to-Let Investors to Profit from the City Centre

After last year’s depressed city centre rental market, city centre rents are steadily rising again. This trend is of particular interest to new UK expat buy-to-let investors, who are profiting most from the rise. Pandemic Life Vs The ‘New Normal’. ‘What the pandemic created’ says Stuart Marshall ‘is a whole wave of people looking to…

Holiday Let Companies a Popular Choice for UK Expats

Holiday Let Companies a Popular Choice for UK Expats

At the end of summer 2021, ‘staycation’ is still the buzzword. ‘What’s really interesting about the staycation boom,’ says Stuart Marshall ‘is that it’s inspiring a huge surge in the number of holiday let companies that are being established. This is a trend that UK expat and foreign national investors need to take note of!’…

UK Housing Market July Q&A – Part One

UK Housing Market July Q&A – Part One

Stuart Marshall of specialist expat mortgage broker, Liquid Expat Mortgages, looks at some of the questions we’ve recently been asked about the UK housing market and how it could affect UK expats and foreign nationals looking to buy UK property. Is it a Bad Time to Start a Property Portfolio? Q: ‘I am a UK…

May 2021 UK Buy-to-Let Market Q&A (Part Two)

May 2021 UK Buy-to-Let Market Q&A (Part Two)

Incredibly, we’re already into the fifth month of 2021. The world is changing, and the vaccine rollout is meaning that life is returning to some form of normality, with the UK Government’s 21st of June end date in sight. So, we thought it was time to sit down with Stuart Marshall, CEO of Liquid Expat…

Digging Deep With Liquid Expat Mortgages: Q&A With Stuart Marshall (Part 4)

Digging Deep With Liquid Expat Mortgages: Q&A With Stuart Marshall (Part 4)

In part four of our expat mortgages Q&A with Stuart Marshall, we look at the pros and cons of buying in cash compared to taking out a buy-to-let mortgage and the advantages of buying through a limited company. Buy-to-Let or Buy In Cash? Q: ‘I’ve worked across most of the Middle East for the last…

Why are UK Expats Purchasing Buy-to-Let Property Through a Limited Company?

Why are UK Expats Purchasing Buy-to-Let Property Through a Limited Company?

According to UK Companies House, 41,700 new buy-to-let limited companies were formed in 2020. Information available at Companies House also suggests that, at the end of 2020, there are 228,743 active buy-to-let companies which is an all-time record. Given the benefits of buying in this way, it’s no surprise that more people are looking to…