May 2021 UK Buy-to-Let Market Q&A (Part Two)

May 2021 UK Buy-to-Let Market Q&A (Part Two)

Incredibly, we’re already into the fifth month of 2021. The world is changing, and the vaccine rollout is meaning that life is returning to some form of normality, with the UK Government’s 21st of June end date in sight. So, we thought it was time to sit down with Stuart Marshall, CEO of Liquid Expat…

Digging Deep With Liquid Expat Mortgages: Q&A With Stuart Marshall (Part 4)

Digging Deep With Liquid Expat Mortgages: Q&A With Stuart Marshall (Part 4)

In part four of our expat mortgages Q&A with Stuart Marshall, we look at the pros and cons of buying in cash compared to taking out a buy-to-let mortgage and the advantages of buying through a limited company. Buy-to-Let or Buy In Cash? Q: ‘I’ve worked across most of the Middle East for the last…

What Do The UK’s High House Prices Mean for UK Expats Looking to Invest?

What Do The UK’s High House Prices Mean for UK Expats Looking to Invest?

According to Zoopla, one of the world’s leading property portals, UK house prices are nearing their highest levels in four years – an average of £223,700. As of the end of January, house price growth reached its highest since April 2017 – 4.3%. But what does this mean for UK expats and overseas buyers looking…