Case Study – UK Expat Residential Mortgage for self-employed British National

Expat Residential Mortgage for self-employed British National

Expat Residential Mortgage for self-employed British National

This is a great case study on how Liquid Expat Mortgages helped a self-employed British National attain the perfect UK expat residential mortgage.


Some individuals working and living abroad can earn large sums of money. Similarly high net worth individuals (HNI’s) can have large income streams from various activities. However obtaining residential mortgages can be incredibly frustrating as every lender applies different criteria to how people draw their salary. This can ultimately affect how much you can borrow.

The scenario

The client was had been living and working in Dubai and Abu Dhabi for over 17 years as a self employed financial adviser and now wanted to buy an apartment London, for when he returned to the UK.

The property was valued at £925,000 and his income coupled with his saved 35% deposit means it should’ve been a straightforward purchase. However his bank didn’t view this as straightforward as there was an issue with the way he declared his earnings.

Our solution

Liquid Expat Mortgages has over 13 years experience in helping self employed British nationals and foreign nationals obtain residential mortgages by utilising the right lenders for your circumstances.

In this case Liquid Expat Mortgages was able to source a mortgage which took into account the client’s operating profits for the previous 2 years, and as such was able to improve the affordability of the mortgage repayments and therefore apply a better mortgage interest rate of 2.01% as well as allow an 80% loan to value (LTV) which allowed the client to free up some savings for works and cosmetic updating on the property.

The result

The result was a satisfied customer and a great example of a case which could have easily become a long drawn out saga. Thanks to Liquid Expat Mortgages it was concluded quickly and efficiently.

UK Expat Mortgages & Remortgages

If you’re returning to the UK after living abroad for a number of years and looking for an expat residential mortgage or simply want more information about arranging finance for UK residential property contact us for a free quote. Our fully qualified and experienced mortgage advisers will advise you on the best UK expat mortgage or remortgage options available for your circumstances.

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