Where to Buy in the UK as a Hong Kong Investor.

Where to Buy in the UK as a Hong Kong Investor

It’s a great time for Hong Kong residents to buy property in the UK. On the 22ndof July, the UK government revealed plans to introduce a special visa for BNO (British National Overseas) passport holders in Hong Kong. The UK, Hong Kong and BNO Passports. A BNO Passport is a travel document issued to people…

Hong Kong Residents Looking to Buy in the UK: What You Need to Know

London Expat Mortgage Specialists

The UK is becoming an increasingly popular destination for investment for both Hong Kong nationals and British expats living and working in Hong Kong. It’s no surprise given the incredible investment opportunities the UK presents. Market Trends. An increasing trend is that buyers from Hong Kong are investing outside of London. Hong Kong is well…

UK Mortgage Guide for Expats in Australia

UK Mortgage Guide for Expats in Australia

For expats in Australia, taking out a UK mortgage as an investment tool is one of the best things they can do with their money. But, securing a mortgage on a UK Property can be difficult if you’re an expat living in Australia. The following guide is intended to help expats living in Australia to…

Considerations For Expats In Australia Looking For A UK Mortgage

Considerations For Expats In Australia Looking For A UK Mortgage

Due to the regulation of lending practices introduced to prevent a crash similar to 2008, banks are now restricted on their lending. Many expats, when looking to secure a mortgage on a UK property, are intimidated by this regulation. Especially when coupled with the added difficulties of buying from abroad. Every country will throw up…

Building Wealth Through Property Investment

Building Wealth Through Property Investment

What to consider when buying a property as an investment. Investing in property should be thought of as a business venture. The results of property investment aren’t immediate but that doesn’t mean that investment should be viewed differently than a business. Property can’t be purchased and left to yield profit on its own. This approach…

Does an expat need UK credit history to obtain a UK mortgage?

Does an expat need UK credit history to obtain a UK mortgage

The simple answer to this common question asked by British Expats is “No.” It is not essential to have UK credit history in order to raise a UK mortgage. This guide offers some insight into how lenders look at mortgages for expats and three quick tips on how a UK expat can create and improve…

Tips Gleaned From Expats On Building A Property Portfolio

Tips Gleaned From Expats On Building A Property Portfolio

Discover the best tips we have gleaned from Expats on building a property portfolio. As global interest rates continue to stagnate, property is a sound way to build a secure, profitable investment portfolio that will lay the foundations for your future. However, many expats and foreign nationals are deterred from property investment, due to risk…

Guide To Buying UK Property As An Expat


The UK is renowned for its stockpile of property available to overseas landlords. The capital and North West region, in particular, still attracts more foreign investment than many other cities around the world. If you are tempted to become a first-time buyer for investment property, it’s best to get in with both eyes open to…

Buying A Property Through A Limited Company

Buying to let can be incredibly profitable, whether it is your sole revenue stream or if it acts as an additional source of income alongside your day job.   However, there are ways in which these profits can be maximised further. One such method comes in the form of limited company buy-to-let. Although this may…

How To Get An Airbnb Mortgage

Few companies have matched the success of Airbnb in the last decade. The service, which enables anyone to market their property as a lettings space, recently reported that their hosts earn an average of £3,000 a year – a staggering number when you take into consideration that they typically let their rooms or entire homes…