Seafarer Mortgage Case Study
This is a great case study on how Liquid Expat Mortgages helped a merchant seaman secure a mortgage for his first UK property.
The scenario.
John MQ was a merchant seaman who approached Liquid Expat Mortgages as he was unable to secure a mortgage for his first property. He worked on cargo ships causing him to spend many months at a time at sea. Whilst he had a stable income his bank was unable to provide a mortgage due to his frequent absence and the fact that he was employed by a foreign company and was paid in US Dollars.
Here’s how it worked.
Working with Liquid Expat Mortgages we were able to work with several lenders who had experience in accommodating seafarers. The lender recognised the stability of John’s income and devised a mortgage plan that considered his unique circumstances. Liquid was able to support the application by working with the lender and applicant and collated all required documentation to facilitate and address any underwriting issues.
John successfully secured a mortgage, enabling him to purchase a home in the UK. The collaborative efforts of Liquid Expat Mortgages and the understanding lender, combined with the qualified and experienced team assisting John’s application, made his wishes for a stable UK home a reality despite his unconventional work lifestyle.
Seafarer Mortgage Solutions
No mater where you are currently living or working around the world, Liquid Expat Mortgages can help you get a Seafarer Mortgage in the United Kingdom. Contact us now for a free quote.
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