The Ultimate Buy-to-Let Guide: Part One

The Ultimate Buy-to-Let Guide: Part One

Stuart Marshall of specialist mortgage broker, Liquid Expat Mortgages, offers his experience and insight into buy-to-let mortgages with part 1 of a buy-to-let guide that will help you navigate the wide range of products and see which best suits your own personal objectives. The UK is still reporting consistent increases in house prices despite the…

UK Expat Mortgages

If you’ve previously looked at mortgages for UK expats you may have discovered that they were somewhat difficult to obtain. What was also true was that they were thought of as expensive, not available to everyone and only a few larger lenders or international banks were willing to offer UK Expat mortgages.   Times however have…

UK Expat Mortgages Are Easier To Find Than You Might Think

One of the key reasons many expats move abroad is to realise their dreams of living a better quality of life and gaining financial independence. By choosing to work in a low tax environment, expats willingly make a choice to live and work away in order to help realise not only their own dreams but…

UK Expat Mortgages Are Easier To Find Than You Might Think

UK Expat Mortgages are easier to find than you might think, thanks to the help available from specialist Expat Mortgage Brokers. One of the key reasons many expats move abroad is to realise their dreams of living a better quality of life and gaining financial independence. By choosing to work in a low tax environment,…

Buying A Property Through A Limited Company

Buying to let can be incredibly profitable, whether it is your sole revenue stream or if it acts as an additional source of income alongside your day job.   However, there are ways in which these profits can be maximised further. One such method comes in the form of limited company buy-to-let. Although this may…

How To Get An Airbnb Mortgage

Few companies have matched the success of Airbnb in the last decade. The service, which enables anyone to market their property as a lettings space, recently reported that their hosts earn an average of £3,000 a year – a staggering number when you take into consideration that they typically let their rooms or entire homes…

What Should I Consider When Buying To Let Property As An Expat?

If you’ve never considered entering the lucrative property market as an expat before, you’re likely to have numerous questions. GoSimpleTax have already detailed the rules around declaring tax effectively for landlords, but it’s also imperative to have comprehensive knowledge on the mortgage aspect.   Specialist mortgage brokers, Liquid Expat Mortgages, are here to guide you…

The Emerging Landlords: The New Kids On The Block

The UK rental market has traditionally been the territory of older men – those in their 50s and 60s at the end of their professional careers, turning to rental income for their later-life sustenance. But that is changing. The 2010s have witnessed an influx of younger rental investors taking their chance on a portfolio.  …

Ready, “Offset”, Go!

Over the last 12 years Liquid has constantly been asked by Expats for Offset Mortgages as they were popular and familiar to them from their time in the UK using banks such as First Direct and Clydesdale Bank to take advantage of the benefits of an Offset Mortgage. Liquid Expat has consistently lobbied lenders to…

The Tax-Efficient Way for Buy-to-Let.


How setting up as a limited company can make sense for property owning landlords.   Liquid Expat’s reach as the leading authority for expat UK mortgages includes helping clients purchasing or refinancing UK buy-to-let property through a limited company. Upcoming changes to UK tax make this service potentially more valuable than ever. The questions we…